Due to it’s induction processes, the Order of the Arrow runs into many questions by members and non-members alike. Below are some common questions asked by both members and non-members.
Why does the OA keep most of it’s induction activities secret?
The Order of the Arrow is not a secret organization. Rather, we recognized & continue to uphold that an aura of mystery not only stimulated interest in the Lodge, but also helps new members feel proud of an accomplishment that is not achieved by every Scout.
Most candidates receive less benefits from the induction if they know about the induction in advance. Knowledge lowers expectancy, dulls the edge of experience. In other words, you hurt candidates by telling them about the “Ordeal.” Parents should feel free to discuss the experiences their children had at the Ordeal, after it’s completion. One of our most important responsibilities as a lodge is making the candidate experience the best it can be.
The Order of the Arrow is happy share any pertinent information about our activities with legitimately interested individuals. For more information, one should contact the Lo La‘Qam Geela Lodge Advisor.
What is a chapter and how is the OA organized?
The chapter is the most local form of the Order, generally related to the Boy Scout District. This is where most members of the OA attend meetings. There are also some small functions that Scouts attend within the chapter. The next level up is the Lodge, which is Lo La ‘Qam Geela. Lo La serves the Crater Lake Council. The lodge organizes most of the OA members events including Fellowship and Ordeals.
Following the chain of organization, groups of Lodges are then put into Sections. Lo La’Qam Geela is a part of Section G16, serving the pacific Northwest with two other lodges, Tsisqan & Wauna La’Mon-Tay.
The sections are split into two regions, headed by the Region Chief. The Gateway Region covers the western half & the Eastern Region covers the eastern half.
For more information on the OA organization go to the national website: www.oa-bsa.org
How do I get involved?
Getting involved is easy. There are many positions or committees in which you can serve, events in which you can attend, and ways to have fun. Contact the Lodge Chief and Adviser.
What is a Chapter Chief?
A Chapter Chief is a lead youth position in the Order of the Arrow. The Chapter Chief is the most localized lead position. Since our organization is led by our youth members, the position is critical for the Order of the Arrow Lodge and Chapter to run smoothly. The Chapter Chief, along with other elected officers, plan and guide our group’s daily and annual operations.
I was an OA member a long time ago and I want to participate again. What do I do?
With a little time for verification with the Lo La ‘Qam Geela Lodge Membership Vice Chief, Staff Advisor, and your past Lodge you held membership with, you can become an active member. All registering members are required to fill out the Lodge Membership Renewal Form to send in along with payment. All members must be registered with a unit or at the district/council level within the Crater Lake Council.
What is the Order of the Arrow?
Purpose: The purpose of the Order of the Arrow is fourfold: To recognize those Scout campers who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. To develop and maintain camping traditions and spirit. To promote Scout camping. To crystallize the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to others.
History: The Order of the Arrow (OA) was founded by Dr. E. Urner Goodman and Carroll A. Edson in 1915 at the Treasure Island Camp of the Philadelphia Council, Boy Scouts of America.
Membership: The OA has more than 176,000 members located in lodges affiliated with approximately 327 BSA local councils.
Eligibility: As of February 1, 2019, unit elections are permitted in Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Sea Scout units. The Order of the Arrow membership requirements are as follows:
- Be a registered member of the Boy Scouts of America.
- Have experienced 15 nights of Scout camping while registered with a troop, crew, or ship within the two years immediately prior to the election. The 15 nights must include one, but no more than one, long-term camp consisting of at least five consecutive nights of overnight camping, approved and under the auspices and standards of the Boy Scouts of America. Only five nights of the long-term camp may be credited toward the 15-night camping requirement; the balance of the camping (10 nights) must be overnight, weekend, or other short-term camps of, at most, three nights each. Ship nights may be counted as camping for Sea Scouts.
- At the time of their election, youth must be under the age of 21, and hold one of the following ranks corresponding to the type unit in which they are being considered for election: Scouts BSA First Class rank, the Venturing Discovery Award, or the Sea Scout Ordinary rank or higher, and following approval by the Scoutmaster, Crew Advisor or Sea Scout Skipper, be elected by the youth members of their unit.
- Adults (age 21 or older) who meet the camping requirements may be selected following nomination to and approval by the lodge adult selection committee.
Induction: The induction ceremony, called the Ordeal, is conducted at Scout camp and is the first step toward full membership. During the experience, candidates will reflect upon their role in Scouting and contemplate on Scouting’s values.
Brotherhood membership: After 6 months of service and fulfilling certain requirements, a member may take part in the Brotherhood ceremony, which places further emphasis on the ideals of Scouting and the OA. Completion of this ceremony signifies full membership in the OA.
Vigil Honor: After two years of service as a Brotherhood member, and with the approval of the national Order of the Arrow Committee, a Scout may be recognized with the Vigil Honor for outstanding service to Scouting, his lodge, and the community. This honor is bestowed by special selection and is limited to one person for every 50 members registered with the lodge each year.
Lodges: Each Order of the Arrow lodge is granted a charter from the National Council, BSA, upon annual application by the local council. The OA lodge helps the local council provide a quality Scouting program through recognition of Scouting spirit and performance, development of youth leadership and service, promotion of Scout camping and outdoor programs, and enhancement of membership tenure.
Sections: An Order of the Arrow section consists of lodges within a geographic area of the region. Once every year, representatives of lodges in the section come together for a conclave to share in fellowship, skills, and training. All of the elected section chiefs form the conference committee for a national Order of the Arrow event, which is held under the guidance of the national Order of the Arrow Committee.