New Arrowmen Info

“I congratulate you on your achievement of Ordeal membership. You are now entitled to all rights and privileges of the Order of the Arrow, but you must remember that this obligates you to a life of cheerful service, and that membership in our Order is given, not only for what you have done, but for what you are expected to do in the future, for your journey is just beginning.” |
Welcome to the Order of the Arrow! Congratulations on your induction into the Order of the Arrow. You have joined a brotherhood with a rich history of providing cheerful service to others. The Order’s first purpose is to recognize those, like yourself, who exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. As a member, you are entrusted with fulfilling the other three purposes of the Order: Promoting responsible outdoor adventure, developing leaders, and crystallizing the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to others. You are a member of Lo La’Qam Geela Lodge, the group associated with Crater Lake Council. The Order of the Arrow acts through the Lodge to express the values it has embodied since its inception in 1915: Brotherhood, cheerfulness, and service. As an organization grounded in outdoor adventure and cheerful service to others, exciting opportunities await your involvement. Completing your Ordeal was only the first step toward full membership in the Order. In the months to come you will return to service in your unit and your understanding of the principles of the Order of the arrow will grow.

Brotherhood: The Next Step in the OA
If you have been an Ordeal member for at least 6 months, you have the opportunity to take the next step and seal your membership on the Order of the Arrow. You can earn Brotherhood at many different opportunities throughout the year. Although the lodge strongly encourages you to complete Brotherhood, make sure you are ready before you undertake the challenge. If you feel that you want to earn Brotherhood, you can either talk with someone in your chapter during a meeting or message our V.C. of Activities to find out when the next opportunity is coming up.
Earning Brotherhood
Earning Brotherhood is a fairly straight-forward process. The price to
go through brotherhood conversion is quite low, simply to cover the cost of
your new sash. The other requirements are:
- Be an Ordeal member for 6+ months
- Have current BSA and OA dues
- Memorize the signs of OA membership:
- The Obligation
- The OA Song
- The Admonition
- The Sign of Ordeal Membership
- The OA Handclasp
- Advance your understanding of the Ordeal
- Learn the four principal characters in the Ordeal ceremony
- Know the four tests of the Ordeal
- Write a letter to the Lodge Membership Vice Chief including:
- What the Obligation means to you
- How you are living the Obligation in your troop
- How you have used your understanding to help you
- Describe your plans for service to the Lodge or Chapter in the future
Visit Jumpstart For New Arrowmen for help and more information to become Brotherhood.
Vigil Honor
The Vigil Honor is the third and final honor in the Order of the Arrow. It features the Ordeal Arrow, Brotherhood bars, and Vigil Triangle on the white sash. To become eligible for the Vigil Honor, a Brotherhood Arrowman must continually stay active for 2 years after their Brotherhood induction. Annually, at Fall Fellowship, the Vigil Committee (2 non-eligible youth from each chapter) led by the Vigil Chief selects the next years Vigil class. 1 Vigil Candidate is allowed for every 50 dues paid members of the Lodge.